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Will vs Reality – The wretched soul.

Your occasional cognitive dissonance may stem from how Christianity was presented to you. When you were told that you are a new creation, they were indeed accurate. Similarly, when they preached that you were blessed with everything necessary for life and godliness, their inspiration was evident. The divine presence within you surpasses the worldly forces. Christ resides in you, the beacon of hope and glory.

Isn’t it ironic that despite these truths, you continue to grapple with old habits? Yes, you still wrestle with desires. Even now, you seek divine intervention during late-night reflections. Unanswered calls and evaded debts persist. The struggle to meet monthly obligations continues. Why do you still rely on painkillers? Why attend therapy sessions? Sometimes, depression hinders your church attendance.

This lack of motivation even extends to reading the Bible. You harbor countless rejections, and the desire to apply wanes. Unfulfilled prophecies weigh on your heart. Despite fasting and prayer, clarity eludes you. Tears shed in prayer did not prevent their passing.

Let me remind you of what Jesus tells the disciples in John 11, from verse 14. He plainly stated, “Lazarus is dead, and for your sake, I am glad I was not there, so that you may believe. But let us go to him.” The Lord intentionally delayed visiting the ailing Lazarus until after his passing. Remarkably, He expressed gladness at His absence. This same Lazarus, whom the Lord loved, faced mortality (John 11:14-15).

I also want to take you back to a man from Uz, who feared the Lord and was righteous. One day, he woke up to the news of unimaginable loss. Yes, Job. All he ever knew about his life changed in an instant. The Lord Jesus Himself, fully aware of His Father’s ability to alleviate suffering, alluded to His soul being overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death.  

I hate to break it to you but receiving Christ does not render you immune to pain, trials, and temptation. The difference lies in the battle now raging within your soul when faced with temptation. This inner struggle serves as proof of your spiritual renewal. However, you will still need to ignore their calls when they ring and avoid secluded encounters.

Moreover, the Lord promises to accompany you through anguish, pain, and torment. Instead of despair, the testing of your faith produces patience. Interestingly, the devil often places you precisely where God intends you to be.”

Published inFaith

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